Well. after a series of nervous checks of the weather forecast and will-we-won't-we decisions the 2022 Open Day went ahead as planned.
The afternoon was very well supported by the local community. There were a number of activities for all ages, talks by local experts and a guided walk around the Reserve.

The weather was not too kind - especiallly to the volunteers who were up bright and early to set up the marquees and tables - but the Steeple Woods supporters are a hardy bunch. As the afternoon progressed the weather improved and once everyone had gone home the sun even came out.

Over thirty people of all ages were treated to a guided walk around the various habitats around the Reserve by local tree expert Mark Nankervis (https://treeservicesuk.com). The views from the Steeple at the top of Worvas Hill were a little lost in the mist but Mark passed on a wealth of information about the history of the site and its trees and plants as we moved around.

As ever, the refreshment tent was a big draw with volunteer Dinky doing a sterling job keeping everyone fed and watered.
All ages were catered for, especially the youngest with volunteer Helen's Forest School activities including making seed bombs and bug hotels.

There was a special presentation of Steeple Woodland uniforms to three of our youngest (and hardest working) volunteers - Alowen, Lamorna and Awen.

The Volunteers would like to say a very big "Thank You" to all supported the Open Day, donated at the refreshment tent, bought a 2023 calendar or just came along and had a good time.
Thanks also to Hayle Canoe Club for lending us their hot water boiler and gas tank and Tesco and The Co-op for donating refreshments.