Volunteers needed!
Getting involved at the nature reserve
The Nature Reserve relies on volunteers to make it the special place it is today. Please read on to see how you could help.
Whatever your interests, a great way to get started is by coming along to the reserve to meet up with the working parties.
Work parties - Wednesday
Work parties are held every Wednesday from 9.30 to 11.30 a.m.
Phone Giles on 01736 798908 for further information.
Volunteers should meet at the wooden gate with the noticeboard, near to the top of Steeple Lane (approaching from the Cornish Arms). Tools and gloves are provided, and sturdy footwear is recommended. A variety of tasks are undertaken through the seasons, based on what most needs to be done.
Typical activities are habitat management, tree planting and footpath maintenance.
If you arrive later than 9.30 a.m. please check the sign on the wooden gate which will direct you towards the work party.
Tempo Time Credits
The Steeple Woodland Project Group is part of the Tempo Time Credits network. Volunteers earn time credits for each work party they attend. The time credits can be traded for a wide variety of goodies, including Cornish pasties, days out and activity kits.
Supporting activities
Several members of the group are involved in more specialist activities such as butterfly surveys, site monitoring, operational planning, producing educational resources for school visits and applications for funding. Please contact the group via the Contact Us page if you would like to get involved in any of these activities.
We are always in need of donations to contribute towards the cost of managing the reserve - please see the Tree Planting and Sponsorship page for details of several ways in which you could help.
Health Benefits
Everyone knows that exercise is very important for health and wellbeing. Taking regular exercise significantly reduces the risk of such conditions as heart disease, stroke and diabetes, and improves anxiety and depression. In addition simply being in a natural environment has health benefits, reducing stress and depression.
What better way to take exercise than in good company doing something worthwhile and rewarding in the open air. So if you appreciate our natural environment, could do with getting a little more exercise or shaking off the blues, and want to give something back to nature our volunteers will be delighted to see you.